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My Perfect Copic Storage

I haven't even had these a week and I've already outgrown the cup I was holding these in... HAHAHAHAHA! So I hopped online to see everyone else's storage solutions; you know I'm all about the Feng Shui!!! :) I saw Copic storage ranging from buckets to acrylic pamphlet holders to simple acrylic boxes that are stacked (there were many more storage ideas I saw and EVERY ONE OF THEM WERE BRILLIANT), but I still came back to the same issues:

1. Convertibility - If I'm anything in my craft closet, it's convertible. Everything in there has to serve multi functions... organized while I'm crafting at home and the ability to be whisked away for a crop at a moment's notice... it MUST be mobile.
2. Visibility - Keeping all of my pens in a box is not practical when one is not patient. I am not patient. If I have to dig around to find colors, you can probably bet that I just won't. I really need to be able to see what I want at a glance.
3. Organization - I want, like most Copic users out there, to have all my color families separated. Again, this will keep me from the frustration of having to pick through all my markers.
4. Security - I don't mean lock and key here, I'm just talking about SOMETHING that I can close up so pens won't fall out if I'm traveling, or if I accidentally bump the storage container, I want to be sure my pens won't go flying. Losing these babies would NOT be a good thing.
5. Ease of Use - I need something that is not bulky and awkward to carry. Whether I'm at home or away at a crop, I want to be able to easily handle my Copic markers in one easy "go-to" container.
Well, as you may have guessed from the title of this post... I FOUND MY PERFECT COPIC STORAGE. It is as simple as a utility box. The pic up above shows my Copics sandwiched in between my 12 x 12 papers (in my Crop in Style that attaches to the telescoping handle) and the rolling tote that holds all my embellishments and miscellaneous supplies... ready to "roll" to another crop night. Here are some close up pics.
Here is the view from the top. My Color-In Chart stores nicely on top for quick reference when picking colors. This container has 4-15 adjustable compartments, I inserted the dividers so that I have 8.
Here is a view of the side. I can see each and every compartment and all of the markers in it. Each compartment holds about 18 sketch markers each for a total of 144 markers total in the this one small easy to carry container.
And here is a view with the lid closed. I also want to point out that this container latches definitely making my markers secure. Also, a clear view of my color chart right through the lid without having to open the case if I need it for reference. Is this not the GREATEST COPIC STORAGE EVER!!!???!!! The manufacturer of this utility box is Creative Options and when I outgrow this container, I will SO be moving on to the Grab n' Go system! But for now, I only have 47 markers, so there's PLENTY of room to grow.... well, for now anyway. hahahahaha!


Ladybug said…
Found your blog by fluke. So glad I did and became a follower! TFS!

Thanks, it's going to be a lot of fun! I'm almost done my first card card for Tuesday. It's so cute!!! I might put links for my followers to add thier challenge cards. If enough do them.
FitterTwit said…'s gonna be great! I will definitely be featuring your Burtonesque/halloween goodness here! LOL!

Past 7 Days....


Ok ... so the time has come. I've got some BRAND NEW, NEVER BEEN USED, STILL IN THE PLASTIC Cricut Cartridges to give away over the next couple of months and it starts with one of my ALL-TIME FAVORITES...... Hannah Montana! YAY! I LOVE this cartridge! It's got the most beautiful guitar images along with musical notes and FIVE fonts! I used the regular font and the rock star font to create my Father's Day card this year (see above). I also used the Hannah Montana cart (see below) to create a beautiful butterfly (FREE Gypsy cut file HERE ), and am currently working on a project using the gorgeous solitaire diamond. There's a rose and lips and decorative hearts, even a Pegasus ! There's just so much on this cartridge.... I use it a lot! To call this a "font" cartridge is terribly misleading. It's been a long time favorite and now I'm THRILLED to be able to give it away to one of my awesome readers! So here's how to win: Become one of my follower

The BEST Copic Storage

**** HUGE HALLOWEEN GIVE AWAY... CLICK HERE !!!!**** Ok, so I've done posts in the past about various Copic storage solutions, but I was given THE MOTHER of all storage ideas by my friends Jennie Black and Krista Koenig!!!   Let me share with you the construction of the storage box and then I'll finish this off with the BRILLIANT solution my husband came up with.... cuz I married a GENIUS!!! What you'll need to create the AWESOME storage box pictured here is: 1 Double Deep Art Bin 1 plastic grid for ceiling lighting (found at your local home improvement store) 1 half inch thick wooden square dowel (also found at your local home improvement store) Dimensional adhesive squares Wire cutters or sheers Screws with corresponding drill bit Drill So I first cut the ceiling grid down to 19 squares by 19 squares using my wire cutters.   You will need two 19 x 19 sections of grid material.   The wire cutters went through the plastic material of the grid like butter and I

The Old Clunker

A few years back I received a Creative Zen Micro Photo for Christmas. It was wonderful! The fact that I could finally carry around all my music in a super small (or I thought at the time)2.25" x 3.5" music player was sheer freedom from carrying around that old, large, portable cd player and I won't even go into the tons of music cds that also had to go along for the ride. Ok... so I'll mention them briefly, hahahahaha! And I was also surprised by how much lighter this music player was. At 5.5 oz., wearing it fashionably on an armstrap to the gym put me in the leagues with the top fitness buffs. Then something shifted... I was no longer hip, or in, or cool anymore. Suddenly everything shrunk and my music player was now a gigantic dinosaur! What the heck?!? Now everyone was sporting music players that were as big as the face of a watch and were a million times lighter than mine. All of a sudden I was back in the 7th grade trying to convince my mom to buy me the latest