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We've Come a Long Way Baby!

I love, love, love this picture!!! I pulled this pic off the net. It's going around because some ridiculous story broke about Kim Kardashian's cellulite! Wow, are our priorities so mixed up?!?
Well, I'm here writing about it too, so I've established that my priorities are mixed up but there's something amazing to be said about this pic AND Ms. Kardashian's response:
"So what, I have cellulite!" Ok, first of all, from looking at this pic, there are (MAYBE) three areas that look digitally enhanced and I only noticed those areas because the two pics are side by side. I did notice that someone washed her color. I can honestly say beyond a shadow of a doubt that the natural pic is way more beautiful to me because it is real, and she is really a beautiful woman without anything retouched. This is the same thing that just happened with Jessica Simpson in recent months. When are we going to stop doing this to ourselves? We are trying to live up to false images of what women are. Thank God that Ms. Kardashian responded the way she did. I wish Jessica Simpson had done the same. Although, I noticed that BOTH women decided that they needed to change themselves as BOTH used the very negative and harmful media attention to "motivate them to change". Doesn't everyone realize that NO ONE, not even the women in the pics, can live up to those unrealistic body images. I think that if I were Ms. Kardashian, I would be mad that anyone altered me in the first place. I would be mad that someone hired me to do a job and then basically said that I wasn't good enough for what they hired me for and felt the need to "adjust" it. I liken that to my husband asking me to marry him and then wanting me to have breast augmentation and then lipo suction, veneers on my teeth and lose weight, etc. That would make me ask why he married me in the first place. If he wants me to change all of that, clearly he had someone else pictured in his head to marry. It would make me feel very bad about myself, so I can only imagine what these poor women are going through. Hollywood NEEDS more women like Jamie Lee Curtis who is real and is completely hot because of it. And besides, if the current state of our economy continues (or God forbid gets any worse), cellulite IS going to be the next sexy "IN" thing!!! Only the rich and famous will be able to eat, so all that cellulite will suddenly become the false body image that every woman wants. I'm just sayin....


NalaMom said…
I totally agree with you. Now we can create a whole other blog about how society has created the "Fast Food Nation" and how it is in direct opposition of our "female" role model. Its a wonder that more teenage girls don't commit suicide or need serious therapy. We have been doing this to ourselves (women) for decades.

Past 7 Days....

My Favorite Things Birthday Give-Away!!!

IT IS ON! Ok... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! I get to give stuff away! And not just ANY stuff.... MY FAVORITE STUFF!!!! Well, not ALL my favorite stuff, but certainly my favorites for at least ONE of my obsessions: NAILS!!! Maybe next year for my birthday I will be giving away craft supplies and exercise equipment... that would be AWESOME!!! But, this year's birthday give-away is HUGE with my favorite nail and beauty products and is open to ALL my followers. You guys are the best and deserve the best, so here is what ONE lucky winner is going to score: The Prize Haul: Konad Nail Art Stamping Set - Coraline I (I am addicted to Konad and I LOVE this set) Konad Nail art image disc - M63 (A little something extra from Kathleen... thank you) Fragrance Oil Set, types: China Rain, White Linen, Obsession (I love these for my relaxing baths) Nail Aid Nail Treatment Set including: Pink Natural Growth Therapy, Instant Wrap, Clear Liquid Bandage, Cuticle Cure, Peeling Nail Intense Repai...

Velcome To The Little Hop of HORRORS!!!

MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! So I tried to make the title sound really spooky and ran out of room to include my evil laugh... hahaha! WELCOME HOPPERS! Are you thoroughly spooked and amazed? I know I am! You already know that today is the start of our Halloween celebration with a blog hop organized by my good friend Nicole of Canadian Nickel Scrap'n . If you're currently hopping, you should be arriving here from the Fabulous Eulanda's blog ... wasn't that Caramel Corn Box AWESOME?!? If you haven't arrived from Eulanda's blog and are just now joining us, hop to the bottom of this post for details on how the blog hop works. And now for my scary good fun before you head over to Gloria's blog on the next stop of this hop. Today I've got the "Welcome" sign that I will be hanging in my foyer this Halloween. I used my Simple Frame Gypsy cut file as well as the pumpkins and faces from the Pumpkin Carvings Seasonal Cricut Cartridge (just like the one I will be g...

Make It Crafty Blog Hop

Woo Hoo!!! Isn't this hop AMAZING!?! All the projects on this hop are incredible!!! If you are mid hop, you should be arriving here from Carisa's awesome blog, WELCOME! If you haven't started this hop from the beginning, you're definitely going to want to.... so many prizes in store!!! Click HERE to start at the beginning. Prizes Up For Grabs 1st prize - Rubber Collection (Peaches of Plenty, Petals and Palings, Daffodil Dell, Ivy Swing) 2nd prize - Whole Digital Collection (10 digital stamps) 3rd Prize - Four digital Stamps from the collection The hop will end Friday 24th and the main winners will be announced Christmas Day! Random winners will be announced at a later date. How To Play Along Along the way, look for puzzle pieces. They won’t be on every post so you need to keep an eye out for them. The puzzle pieces make up one of the NEW images. At the end of the hop there will be an email form where you can submit your answer. This is so that your answer is private. ...