Why must I ALWAYS go against the grain??? :) John 15:5"I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me and I in him will bare much fruit, for without me you can do nothing." What does this really mean? This is one of the first verses I ever committed to memory (still wriggling into my heart) years ago when I took the Experiencing God Study Course for the first time. It is an amazing Bible study that I highly recommend for anyone... but specifically for new christians . I wish I had known about this Bible study sooner. It was responsible for reconnecting me with God and really teaching me about God the Father instead of God the Deity, as this was all I ever knew him as up to that point. But this verse still pops into my mind every now and again as I ask: What is our dependence on God? I have been hearing a trend lately that is sending my skin crawling because I want to speak out, but I know it is completely inappropriate. But it is driving me crazy to hear people say...