So, yesterday was the day I demonstrated Copic markers at The Paper Vineyard. They held a "Build A Book" event yesterday which featured multiple techniques and I got the pleasure of joining them. WHOA! Did I have a BLAST!!! Years ago when my favorite local scrapbook store (or lss) Recollections closed its doors, one of the lovely ladies who worked there opened her own scrapbook store and hired many of her fellow staffers from that Recollections store..... The Paper Vineyard was born. And now 4-5 years later, they are still going strong. I do frequent the store quite a bit, but I gotta say, it was WONDERFUL seeing everyone together again at yesterday's event! Jean, Tina, Vanessa, Sue, Adrianna.... THANK YOU for making yesterday SO much fun!
And I certainly can't forget all of The Paper Vineyard's awesome customers! This is not coming from ANY sort of bias because I happen to be one of them.... The Paper Vineyard's customers are THE BEST! Ladies... I had so much fun showing you Copic techniques... thank you for making yesterday super special! And aren't we thrilled that they are bringing Copics into The Paper Vineyard? Things are definitely going to start getting wild and crazy (well, MORE wild and crazy) now that Copics are added to the mix! So, of course, I HAD to be in the middle of that! hahahahahahaha!
Again, yesterday ROCKED! I hope I get to do something like that again. Yesterday gets some major high fives! And before I go, check out the pic (click on the pic above to enlarge) of the AWESOME flower I learned how to make yesterday at one of the technique stations. It required minimal hand sewing and looks GORGEOUS! Stay tuned for a tutorial... they are so super easy!