Welp, since reading The Green Smoothie Revolution by Victoria Boutenko, I've now incorporated a green smoothie into my morning ritual. Strike that... the green smoothie IS my morning ritual! I SO look forward to that morning green bliss, well, after I get back from the gym that is. For anyone who wants to try, here is my favorite concoction.
- 2-3 heaping cups of spinach, kale or any other green leafy vegetable
- 1 cup of organic coconut water **(see the bottom of this post for more on THAT)
- 1 whole organic mango peeled, pitted and sliced
- 1 medium organic pineapple peeled, cored and sliced
- 1 large banana peeled
- 2 cups of ice cubes (optional... I like mine REALLY cold)
Ok... on to the coconut saga. I LOVE fresh coconut! I DO NOT LOVE prepping fresh coconut. I remember the fun of cracking open my first coconut and proceeding to drain the OH-SO-YUMMY water, prying the shell the rest of the way open to then commence to mutilating my hands trying and get all the meat out. OUCH, OUCH and OUCH!!! The same holds true for just about every coconut I've ever bought although I will say that the Young Tai coconut is a little easier to work with but had a much blander taste; not my favorite coconut even though it is supposed to be so good for you. I finally came to the conclusion that buying my coconut meat and the coconut water already prepared and packaged is the way to go! It's worth any added expense of NOT having to mess with it.... TRUST ME! My new slogan for any of you coconut packagers out there: "All the exotic taste without the pain." HA!