Well, today I just had a BLAST with my new friend Dana! She showed me how to make this AMAZING mini-album using a simple 5"x 5" CD cover/sleeve. Let me walk you through it!

So here's the front cover! SUPER CUTE cover! The simple cat with the blinged-out eyes is perfect. Well, and of course I love those skulls! :)
Here is the inside flap of the CD cover along with one of the paper inserts. I punched the side... a nice little addition! :)
All the paper inserts (3 in all) were simply bound by tying a thin metallic string... THAT'S IT! :)
The last couple of pages here were done the same as the first with the edge punched.
And finally the last page is the actual back side of the CD sleeve that is meant to hold a CD. I'm going to be using it to hold a couple of tags. This really is THE GREATEST Halloween mini-album I've ever seen!!! I'm so glad I got the opportunity to make it and even more glad to have spent the time with Dana. Thank you Dana Edwards!!! :)
So here's the front cover! SUPER CUTE cover! The simple cat with the blinged-out eyes is perfect. Well, and of course I love those skulls! :)
Kim xXx