I remember when Dirty Dancing first hit theaters. At the time everyone was surprised that the box office numbers for this movie were through the roof! Never underestimate a good romance. And it will only go up from here! Women, who are already suffering with romance deprivation from the hustle and bustle of families, work and daily life, now contend with the added distraction of technology and gaming... ESPECIALLY gaming. So when a good romantic storyline presents itself, those same romance deprived women (who are now ravenous) are SURE to send it right through the box office stratosphere. Now are we REALLY surprised that the newest installment of the Twilight Saga: Eclipse, will be breaking box office records this opening weekend? I'm not surprised at all! In fact, I'd say that if you produce movies in ANY other genre, drop what you are doing and jump on the romance wagon. As more and more "gamers" enter adulthood knowing only how to interact with computers and game consoles, there will be more and more girls entering womanhood in NEED of a "romantic fix" and most of us get that fix through books and movies.
Speaking of which, I hate to cut this post short, but it's time for MY fix... time for me to get ready for my 9:00 a.m. showing of Eclipse. TEAM JACOB BABY!!!