Enter paper crafting.... the thing that brought my sewing machine out of the deep, dark recesses of my closet after more than 10 years. Sewing on cards did you say? Scrapbook layouts too? OOOOO, NOW I'm interested, and sew I did. Now, I haven't done a ton of sewing on my paper crafts, but I've done enough to discover that sewing really is fun.... well, as an artistic embellishment anyway. I've found that content determines how carefully I sew on my projects (and how careful determines how long I will be sewing too... hahahaha). The card featured here (click on the pic to enlarge) was created for The Town Scrapper's Monday Showcase. I used one of my favorite stamps from one of my favorite stamp lines: Kraftin Kimmie Stamps. Since the image is so whimsical, my stitches didn't need to be so clean and structured... and thank goodness! Cuz I'm not a real clean and structured kind of girl! It's almost as if the uneven lines and broken stitches matches the features of this little "Lillith" stamp.
If you too have a sewing machine that's collecting dust, pull it out and try using it to embellish your paper crafting. You might find the fun of sewing has nothing to do with creating a wardrobe! And to see more awesome cards, be sure to check out the AMAZING design team creations over at The Town Scrapper blog. The Town Scrapper carries all of my favorite stamps. If you see anything you just gotta have, you can email the owner Phebe at info@townscrapper.com, and look for her upcoming online store. We are ALL psyched about it!!! :)