Well, yesterday I shared some of my inspiration with you, today I want to share satisfaction. I've been given the pleasure of sharing my journey of gaining health and losing weight with the incredible ladies that I work out with at Curves and today I got a clear view at how much more I really get and why it is all worth it.
A lady talked to me today about feeling alone in her own weight loss journey with no where to turn for motivation to reach her goals... she was even thinking of quitting altogether. Boy, did I relate!!! All I could tell her is about the satisfaction that I receive from my own journey with the wonderful Curves ladies.
Reality check: you HAVE to find your own motivation. This is nothing someone can give to you. But the miracle that I have found on the Curves Complete program is that once I tapped into that motivation (just to get myself there), Curves has the support and programs in place that is getting me where I want to go and with that comes a satisfaction like I've never known. Motivation has momentum!!!! This lifestyle, the Curves lifestyle, goes beyond weight loss or simply toning up. I've found a place to really belong, and THAT is motivating! "Nothing is taboo in the circuit!" We discuss the good and the bad, we laugh and cry, and we ALWAYS uplift. For that daily dose of goodness to be found at "the gym" is AMAZING!!! I've even had a room full of applause... which, by the way, fulfilled a life long dream of mine.... all while losing an incredible amount of weight and getting my health in check. Yah, I've found satisfaction and at my Curves its compounded motivation that is touching every part of my life.
If you are looking to lose a few pounds, looking to tone up for a big event (like buying a wedding dress, ahem!) or just want a place to have some girl-friend time.... I HIGHLY recommend checking out your local Curves. Your own satisfaction just might be found there.