So back in OCTOBER I contacted Provo Craft regarding the brand new Nifty Fifties cartridge I received. Within moments of opening the package and flipping through the handbook (you know you all do that too!!!!) I discovered pretty quickly that various cuts for multiple images on this cartridge are located in multiple locations. Example: The ice cream cone (and it's parts) can be found on page 57 AND page 66. There are NUMEROUS images on this cartridge that are like this, so I contacted PC immediately. I was told that they were going to work on the issue and get back to me and until then I wasn't to upload the cartridge to my Gypsy. Well, here it is going on 3 months later with no word as to whether corrections have been made and if they will be getting me a repaired version of this oh-so-cool cartridge, even an actual update would be nice. I really do love all the designs on this cartridge... it seems a pity that I haven't been able to upload to my Gypsy. It seems an even bigger pity that ProvoCraft's customer service is STILL so lacking!!! I really did have such high hopes for them thinking they had starting turning that ship around... clearly not, it's been 3 MONTHS!!! But I did finally break it out for some "Fifties" themed projects... check out the "Drive In" sign!!! Is that "far out" or what!?! There's also another great retro motel sign that I'm totally "diggin".... hahahahahhahahahhaha. I want to believe that the customer service nightmare that is ProvoCraft is worth all the wonderful images and cartridges that they pour out... I really, really do. Maybe good customer service was THEIR 2011 Resolution. We shall see!