With February fast approaching, I was reminded this morning that it's almost time for another Master Cleanse. Every February and every August I try to complete a 10 day round of a cleansing fast called The Master Cleanse. So with cleansing the inside to remove toxins, I also try to keep the outside clean of toxins by using all natural soaps and shampoos, haircare products, make up, even my toothpaste to all natural... well, I try to use them all the time, but CERTAINLY during my cleanses twice a year. So this morning when I opened up my Vital Juice Everywhere newsletter to see an ad for affordable, all natural soap, I was super psyched that I might be able to save a little coin on beauty products this go around on the cleanse... Body Soap AND Facial Soap!?! I think I might have to be all over this one. True Body soap is made with only five ingredients (facial soap is 7): Palm Oil, Coconut Oil, Water, Vegetable Glycerin and Sodium Citrate. It’s unscented, which means there’s no added ingredient to mask any naturally occurring scent making it great for those who are sensitive to fragrance or other chemicals. According to their website, TrueBody soap is one of the first bar soaps on the market that is vegetable-based and entirely free of EDTA, chelates or any other type of synthetic preservative. Apparently, due to the necessary use of fat or oil to create soap, all bar soaps, even organic ones, currently contain some type of preservative to keep the fat/oil from going rancid over time, so the use of plant-based fats sounds like a pretty good deal to me.... considering I already use coconut oil as my body lotion of choice. My only concern with this product is that I've been on a hunt for affordable ORGANIC beauty products that I've yet to find. But after checking this stuff out, it sounds like it is in fact comparable to what I already use at an affordable price so it's worth a try, I MIGHT be pushing this first cleanse of the year to the END of February instead of the beginning....that's a "MIGHT"! Of course, I'll keep you posted! I think I might be in the mood for some lemonade! :)
*Special Note: There is nothing in the Master Cleanser by Stanley Burroughs that states you need to change beauty products while completing the cleanse (at least I don't remember it stating that), I just try to spend my cleansing time being really clean. It makes me feel better about the abuse I've put my body through in the past.