A while back I received some blog awards, but life around here preparing for the upcoming Christmas holiday has been so chaotic, I COMPLETELY missed thanking those who honored me with this award. I've met quite a few amazing people here in blogland and they don't come better than the three who gave me this award.... "THANK YOU" to :
I so appreciate that you guys think my blog is Stylish... especially since all of your blogs blow mine out of the water!!!! If all of you get a chance, be sure to check out their AWESOME blogs for some REAL style!!!
So, as part of this award I have to pass it on to 8 blogs and tell 8 things about myself... here goes! 8 Things about me:
- I LOVE to laugh.
- I LOVE to make other people laugh.
- I'm rarely funny when I'm trying to be.
- I can't tell jokes because I laugh too hard while trying to tell them which then causes me to forget parts of the joke and usually the entire punchline.... which, in and of itself, is pretty funny.
- I try VERY hard not to take myself or others too seriously.
- I believe that those who have to be offended are offensive.
- I believe that we search in vein for healing (as we are already equipped with that) and that the true search needs to be for the proper environment and the right circumstances to heal.
- I believe in God and that Jesus has blessed me with real happiness.
WHEW! Now for some REALLY stylish bloggers:
Beaner's World Of Paper Crafts
Well... those are my eight Stylish Blog Awards. I hope you check them out...they are a GOLD MINE of inspiration!!! I'm now off to let them know they have a blog award waiting.
Happy Monday folks!
Love your blog!!
kt x