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December Copic Class

Ok gang... just a quick post today letting you know that I will be teaching a Copic class at Paper Vineyard in Chandler, AZ, on December 12th. You will receive all materials to make the cutiepie pictured (except for the items listed below) and that even includes the stamp to take home with you for future creations! The list of items to bring to class with you are:
  • Copic Markers
  • Scissors
  • Paper Trimmer
  • Adhesive
  • Sukura Gelly Roll Pens (optional)
I will also be demoing the Bow Easy for making quick work of GORGEOUS bows, like the one featured here. The class starts at 1 p.m. Reserve your spot by calling 480-656-2058. I look forward to seeing you there!
Copic markers I used to make this card:
  • Dress - G40, R20, R29, R89, YG63, YG97
  • Boots/Basket - E42, E44, E49
  • Hair - E2, E8, E39
  • Skin - E50, E51, E53, R20
  • Misc. - W0, W3, W5
*** Stamp Set included with this class:  Kraftin Kimmie, Yvette


Marlene said…
This is gorgeous! Boy, I'd be attending that class if I lived in the area.
FitterTwit said…
Thanx you guys! Coming from the two of you, that means A LOT! :)

Past 7 Days....

The Old Clunker

A few years back I received a Creative Zen Micro Photo for Christmas. It was wonderful! The fact that I could finally carry around all my music in a super small (or I thought at the time)2.25" x 3.5" music player was sheer freedom from carrying around that old, large, portable cd player and I won't even go into the tons of music cds that also had to go along for the ride. Ok... so I'll mention them briefly, hahahahaha! And I was also surprised by how much lighter this music player was. At 5.5 oz., wearing it fashionably on an armstrap to the gym put me in the leagues with the top fitness buffs. Then something shifted... I was no longer hip, or in, or cool anymore. Suddenly everything shrunk and my music player was now a gigantic dinosaur! What the heck?!? Now everyone was sporting music players that were as big as the face of a watch and were a million times lighter than mine. All of a sudden I was back in the 7th grade trying to convince my mom to buy me the latest

The Inventor Of the TV Dinner Should Be Slapped!

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My Favorite Things Birthday Give-Away!!!

IT IS ON! Ok... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! I get to give stuff away! And not just ANY stuff.... MY FAVORITE STUFF!!!! Well, not ALL my favorite stuff, but certainly my favorites for at least ONE of my obsessions: NAILS!!! Maybe next year for my birthday I will be giving away craft supplies and exercise equipment... that would be AWESOME!!! But, this year's birthday give-away is HUGE with my favorite nail and beauty products and is open to ALL my followers. You guys are the best and deserve the best, so here is what ONE lucky winner is going to score: The Prize Haul: Konad Nail Art Stamping Set - Coraline I (I am addicted to Konad and I LOVE this set) Konad Nail art image disc - M63 (A little something extra from Kathleen... thank you) Fragrance Oil Set, types: China Rain, White Linen, Obsession (I love these for my relaxing baths) Nail Aid Nail Treatment Set including: Pink Natural Growth Therapy, Instant Wrap, Clear Liquid Bandage, Cuticle Cure, Peeling Nail Intense Repai