Ok... so.... one day I posted a blog about my all-time favorite nail polish My Private Jet, after seeing someone else's post of the same polish that didn't look anything near the polish I have. The one I saw was a holo and mine WAS NOT. Mine was an AWESOME gun metal pink! So I posted a question as to why my My Private Jet looked so different. Well, I got some VERY helpful responses from some VERY helpful bloggers informing me that there are MANY versions of this particular polish and that no one had yet heard of MY version. I even got a request from Scandalous over at Scandalously Polished to let her know if I find another one, and I did find another three, so I sent one to her.
Now my pink gunmetal My Private Jet is so extraordinary that I can't help but smile everytime I look at it. I originally thought that the color had to be on my own nails to cause the incessant smiling, but I was wrong. Scandalous recently posted swatches of my all-time favorite polish and, again, I smile. Now while that smile also had something to do with the "thank you's" and the awesome blog post Scandalous did, I'd be lying if I said that was the ONLY reason. This polish just CAUSES that reaction. And WOW... does this polish just look fantastic on EVERYONE??? So I was reading through the comments that were left on Scandalous' wonderful post and realized that there are quite a few people in NEED of this color. Now I COULD sell it on Ebay and probably make a mint on this color, but I realized that it would definitely be much more fun to have everyone scratch and claw for it!!! So, I'M HAVING A GIVE AWAY!!!
For the next two weeks, I wanna see who REALLY wants this polish. Leave comments on this post and TELL YOUR FRIENDS about this give away (be sure to leave links to prove you told people even if they weren't your friends..hahahahaha)! And in two weeks I will pick one lucky winner. THIS IS NOT A RANDOM DRAWING. This AWESOMER THAN AWESOME nail polish will go to the person I think wants it the most.... you can all thank Scandalous!!!! You can also thank her for the new name Pink Gunmetal FLASH My Private Jet!!! Love it! So leave your comments and links and I will pick the winner on June 13. NIGHT, NIGHT!
**CORRECTION: I'm going to ask Scandalous if she would like to pick the winner... NOW You CAN Thank Scandalous!!! hahahaha!
*** This give away is only open to followers of this blog.
Yep, sent my card last week:D I have seen a lot made this past week.
My tweet: http://twitter.com/Sparkled_Beauty/status/15108021513
Today: http://twitter.com/Sparkled_Beauty/status/15197154581
Thanks for giving up one of your bottles, Danielle!
dchen22 [at] hotmail dot com
dchen22 [at] hotmail [dot] com
I posted this in my blog to inform all my readers about it..I need to tell everyone about this newly discovered color. I would shout at the top of my lungs on Mt. Everest if I could
I made a picture to justify my desire for gun metal pink flash
**and yes...my harry potter collection is very valuable to me
come on, it's O.P.I
it's called my private yet. that's cool
but Pink Gunmetal FLASH My Private Jet is way cooler. So I can be cool with this polish, muhaha
maybe I can spam you, so you know I really want it (:
no, once again, the last one today:
haha. I think I like it
i've decided to go forward and apply to become an organ donor regardless of the outcome of this giveaway. i'll be getting tested next week. Thanks for having this giveaway. It really changed my perspective.
I'll be back to tweet about it...can't right now I'm at work day dreaming about pink mpj!! LOL!!