This, my friends, is the view from my room in Oceanside, California over this past weekend!!! The hubs and I took a little winter holiday to go play in the ocean. Our room was A-MAZING and we had SOOOO much fun. Unfortunately, I STILL don't have a cord for my camera (I swear I'm rectifying that tomorrow) so my pics are all taken with my phone. The biggest problem I had there was I was having so much fun that I kept forgetting to plug in my phone to charge. So there were a ton of shots I missed simply because my phone was dead.
One of the shots I'm glad I didn't miss was the pier. The pier in Oceanside is sort of the focal point for the city. It is an ENORMOUS pier that takes you quite a ways out into the ocean and at the end of the pier....... a restaurant!!! We had lunch at the end of a pier our first day in Oceanside. What a way to start a vacation!!!
And of course there was SOOOOO much that went on in between.... a visit to Carlsbad, a train ride to San Diego, pedal cab ride in Balboa Park.... so, so many photo ops got missed because my stupid phone was dead!!! UGH! But what a great ending! A beautiful sunset walk on the beach with my honey!!! To see some REALLY great pics of Oceanside that I found online click HERE! At least SOMEONE took a good camera with them!!!