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WHERE Have You Been???

I cannot tell you how many times in the past four weeks or so I've heard that question.  Truth is, I honestly haven't been anywhere... still here.  Just VERY busy focusing on making this new year count as things are shifting for me again.

A few years ago I started this little blog adventure because the real estate market was shifting (oh was it shifting... and it seemed like the end of the world) and my career seemed like it was coming to an end.  In an attempt to focus on the positive and reconnect with myself, I started (click HERE to see my very first post from November, 2008).  Well, things seem to be shifting again in my life, I've been busy prepping to move forward and was reminded this evening how important my blog was during the first shift so I thought I owed to myself (and my lovely blog family) to update my blog a bit more regularly going forward.... cuz these changes are, yet again, FUN and COMPLETELY MENTAL!!! WOW!  That was quite a run on sentence but it feels pretty important.  It really is how you look at things and what you make it; so in the spirit of making things great, first thing's first:

I have the privilege of caring for my inlaws!!!  I NEVER thought I'd hear myself saying those words, let alone put that in writing, but I am honestly honored to be that for people who have cared for me for so many years.  My mother-in-law (with tears in her eyes) thanked me a couple months back and my heart flip-flopped explaining to them how it was not only my pleasure, but how I could only hope that God loved me as much as he loves them and that someone will take care of me when I'm their age.  For the record.... I believe God DOES love me that much. :)

Up next:  I got a speeding ticket and had to go to traffic school.  Not exactly something that sounds like fun at first, but did you know there is an IMPROV TRAFFIC SCHOOL?!?  Ok, THAT is awesome!  I mean, if you have to put in the time, why not enjoy it a little.  Ticket cleared and no points on my driving record.... WHEW!!!

Continuing Education:  it was back to class for my required continuing education to renew my real estate license.  Yes, I've done this a time or two before, but this time is monumental as I've never needed it quite like I need it now... I'M BUYING A NEW HOUSE!  Stay tuned for more info on that as the good stuff develops!  I'm so incredibly excited.

MORE SCHOOL:  I'm off for more mortgage training!  Suffice it to say that A LOT has changed in the real estate industry over the past few years and in keeping with excellent customer service to stay on top... it's time for more class time. YAY!

I start my volunteer position at my Curves in a couple of weeks!!!  That has probably been the biggest thrill over the course of this past year!  I had some pretty significant and amazing success in regards to weight loss and credit my Curves solely for sparking the change in my life.  I have also felt a certain sense of fulfillment helping others on their own road and personal journey.  I'm excited for what this year is going to hold for me.  I WILL be doing a post on my beloved rebounder in the coming weeks.  I promise, you DO NOT want to miss that!!! (shhhhhhhh.... did someone say it melts fat away???)

Welp, that about does it.  Hopefully you can see that I'm starting out 2013 with a bang and I have a sneaky suspicion that what's to come is going to make for some interesting posting and interesting reading.  You all will be the judge of that.  P.S. I DID leave out that I have been juggling all of this with a cold from hell.  I wasn't convinced that including the details of my snot-filled mountain of Puff Plus that is currently inhabiting my night stand was going to add anything "fun" to my post.  But then I thought to myself that it MIGHT help paint the picture of just how busy I've been and how impressed you all would be to discover that I was suffering but still managed to attend all my different classes.  But THEN it hit me that some of you reading this might have been in some of those classes and then may now be sifting through your own snot-filled Puffs Plus mountain totally ticked off at me, so I finally decided to skip that part because all of that would be totally "mental" to include in this post.... right? 

I'm off to try and get some sleep.  I ate gluten today in the hopes that it will help me sleep like a baby tonight instead of laying awake coughing.  Fingers and toes crossed; let's see if it works.  A happy little gluten post would be GREAT to kick things off!  hahahahahahaha!


You have been busy my friend!! I miss you!!!!! YAY on the new house!! Hoping to hear more soon!!!
Krista said…
♥ you. can't wait to hear about all this in person!

Past 7 Days....

My Favorite Things Birthday Give-Away!!!

IT IS ON! Ok... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! I get to give stuff away! And not just ANY stuff.... MY FAVORITE STUFF!!!! Well, not ALL my favorite stuff, but certainly my favorites for at least ONE of my obsessions: NAILS!!! Maybe next year for my birthday I will be giving away craft supplies and exercise equipment... that would be AWESOME!!! But, this year's birthday give-away is HUGE with my favorite nail and beauty products and is open to ALL my followers. You guys are the best and deserve the best, so here is what ONE lucky winner is going to score: The Prize Haul: Konad Nail Art Stamping Set - Coraline I (I am addicted to Konad and I LOVE this set) Konad Nail art image disc - M63 (A little something extra from Kathleen... thank you) Fragrance Oil Set, types: China Rain, White Linen, Obsession (I love these for my relaxing baths) Nail Aid Nail Treatment Set including: Pink Natural Growth Therapy, Instant Wrap, Clear Liquid Bandage, Cuticle Cure, Peeling Nail Intense Repai...

Velcome To The Little Hop of HORRORS!!!

MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! So I tried to make the title sound really spooky and ran out of room to include my evil laugh... hahaha! WELCOME HOPPERS! Are you thoroughly spooked and amazed? I know I am! You already know that today is the start of our Halloween celebration with a blog hop organized by my good friend Nicole of Canadian Nickel Scrap'n . If you're currently hopping, you should be arriving here from the Fabulous Eulanda's blog ... wasn't that Caramel Corn Box AWESOME?!? If you haven't arrived from Eulanda's blog and are just now joining us, hop to the bottom of this post for details on how the blog hop works. And now for my scary good fun before you head over to Gloria's blog on the next stop of this hop. Today I've got the "Welcome" sign that I will be hanging in my foyer this Halloween. I used my Simple Frame Gypsy cut file as well as the pumpkins and faces from the Pumpkin Carvings Seasonal Cricut Cartridge (just like the one I will be g...

Make It Crafty Blog Hop

Woo Hoo!!! Isn't this hop AMAZING!?! All the projects on this hop are incredible!!! If you are mid hop, you should be arriving here from Carisa's awesome blog, WELCOME! If you haven't started this hop from the beginning, you're definitely going to want to.... so many prizes in store!!! Click HERE to start at the beginning. Prizes Up For Grabs 1st prize - Rubber Collection (Peaches of Plenty, Petals and Palings, Daffodil Dell, Ivy Swing) 2nd prize - Whole Digital Collection (10 digital stamps) 3rd Prize - Four digital Stamps from the collection The hop will end Friday 24th and the main winners will be announced Christmas Day! Random winners will be announced at a later date. How To Play Along Along the way, look for puzzle pieces. They won’t be on every post so you need to keep an eye out for them. The puzzle pieces make up one of the NEW images. At the end of the hop there will be an email form where you can submit your answer. This is so that your answer is private. ...