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Health Care Reform

I can't help but wonder about this health care reform issue. There are so many issues to consider, but for me the first and foremost is the fact that EVERYTHING the government has promised the American people (when going against America's wishes) has not worked. A LOT of promises were made that have not come to fruition (fraudulent in my opinion). At this point anything regarding health care reform, coming from the government, can it be believed? Can we expect just more empty promises with self servicing agendas attached? I keep hearing over and over that the American public isn't listening, but in reality, it's that the government can't be trusted. Like any other relationship like that, it is toxic and needs to be purged.

Now beyond my personal belief that the government NEEDS to be overturned, I have a stronger belief that it is up to ALL of us to STOP being dependent on our government or insurance companies to take care of us. Both are businesses and corruptly run as such. Our personal health care NEEDS to start at home. How can we even begin to talk about the importance of health care when our obesity rate is through the roof, when smoking and drinking are still legal but suicide is not.... aren't they all one in the same? Aren't they all just a difference in timing? And I know... some of you will say, "But studies show that red wine is beneficial." I contend that it's what is in the grapes that is beneficial. You want the benefits... eat the raw grapes. What real purpose does alcohol serve if everyone is focusing on prevention and living a healthy lifestyle? What individual responsibility do we have in the matter? I say quite a bit! We have relied on pill popping and quick fixes that have reduced our quality of life greatly. ALL OF IT encouraged by our government AND insurance companies! Why? Remember, they are a business; they are motivated by YOUR dollar. Most of us are not living, but staying alive from day to day. We have an opportunity to turn things around personally as a nation. This panic over health care reform should be a wake up call that we are looking to the wrong sources for our health. The corrupt government has already shown that YOU (the people of America) are only looked upon to fund their special interests. YOUR health is not their concern.... but is it yours either?

Please America, turn this ship around! YOU will not even pay the highest price... your children will.


Past 7 Days....

Crazy Is So Fun!

It just keeps getting better... and funner! Head over to The Burtonesque Dolls and check out what the design team did with this upcoming week's challenge!!! So fun! Although my card DEFINITELY sticks out.... all crazy... hahahahahahahaha! But that is so up my alley, well, you know! :) Anyway, the challenge is to create a project using the tea party scene from Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland. I bought a brand new digi JUST for this challenge. I had it in my head to do a crazy Mad Hatter (cuz we're all a little mad here) and I gotta tell you, I could NOT find a crazier Mad Hatter than the one I used for this card!!! You can find, in my opinion, the PERFECT Mad Hatter at The Octopode Factory . I also purchased the AWESOME creepy flamingo and Tweedle Dee and Dum!!! LOVE IT! Anyway, I hope you all have as much fun with this challenge as I did.... I laughed the entire time I made this card!

My First Halloween Mani

Ok, so last Halloween I found the GREATEST Konadicure I have ever seen but did not have the image plates to do it, so I saved the image and FORGOT to include the name of the person who did this nail design. So for the record, I am NOT taking credit for this design, however I am taking credit for how good it turned out!!! I made only a couple of mistakes, but they are livable! This is STILL an amazing mani!!!! I have been growing out my nails specifically for this Konadicure. This mani is the reason I quit gnawing on my nails!!! What's a Konadicure? Konad is a REUSABLE nail STAMPING system and if you read this blog, then you have an "in". Head over to O.C. Nail Art (click HERE ), spend $30 or more and receive free images when you use the code FITTERTWIT (choose free image plate of your choice). Add to that free shipping to the US and I'd say that's a pretty screamin deal!!! And not only is this nail art system reusable, you can use any color you want to create gorg

I'm Terribly Late.... I Know.

Yes, Yes... I'm terribly late... I know!  I was supposed to announce on April 1st that I'm having ANOTHER Favorite Things Birthday Give Away.  Well, here I am.... 7 days late, I'm here with the announcement.  BUT FIRST:  Let's check out some of the prize goodies!!! So pictured above is nail treatments from my ALL-TIME-FAVORITE nail treatment company... Nail Aid .  I LOVE their products, I LOVE their company and I LOVE their service.  And this year they GENEROUSLY donated another HAUL of their new products available at Walmart (check your local store for availability as I'm finding that not all of them carry it... which is NUTS!).  They are just so generous... THAT'S FIVE PRODUCTS!!!  Now I've never tried these products... being that they are new, but I personally use MANY of their products and I love them.  So be sure to check out their website by clicking the link above.  And just so you know which ones are my favorites, I use:  Ultra Rapid Growth