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What's In A Name?


What's in a name?  Well, a lot actually!!!  I mean really... a rose by any other name would not be as freakin awesome as this!!! 
I was recently perusing the web for interesting scrapbooking tid bits when I ran across THE COOLEST name for a blog (honestly, I'm considering buying it from her...hahahahaha)!  Get ready, the blog is:

OMG, I love it!!!  I won't lie though, her name sort of made the hair on the back of my neck stand on end, but checking out her posts made it worth it! You see, the name Tammy Nichols REALLY rung a super sonic bell, but being from Arizona and the backdrop of her profile pic being and ocean, I was instantly drawn (in a big way).  I love the sights, sounds and smell of the ocean... I rarely get to see it... so to see her posts of the ocean makes me forget the whole "Nichols" thing and makes me feel warm, fuzzy and like I'm on vacation all over again.  You can check out vacation pics HERE.   And I'll be honest, the Tammy Nichols I once knew did not live near an ocean.... confidence boost!!!

Well, anyway, she had made the comment that she was blogging to herself, and with a name like EENKSTAIND.... well, that seemed like a crying shame that she didn't have more followers to read her amazing posts.  So really, anyone who can come up with a name like that is CERTAIN to produce the goods... wouldn't you say?  And now,  here I am Blogland, encouraging EVERYONE to give this blogger a shot.  I was not disappointed!!! :)


Off to check her out! :):):):):):):):):):):)

Past 7 Days....

The Inventor Of the TV Dinner Should Be Slapped!

Close observation of my eating shows that I can scarf my tuna casserole at an alarming rate. I sit in front of the TV to eat my dinner and 5 minutes later I am pushing the plate away with little to no memory of ever have eaten. That is interesting to me because, you see, I LOVE FOOD! I also LOVE being thin. These facts SHOULD come to life by the knowledge that if I took smaller bites and chewed thoroughly , not only would I get to enjoy my food that much longer, but I would also be burning more calories (yes, the activity of chewing burns calories!!!!)! And on top of THAT amazing knowledge, my body would also be able to process the food I eat much better therefore more of the food I consume would be utilized to help build my lean mean body. So what the heck is up???? Why DON'T I slow down my eating knowing all these amazing benefits? What's causing this little glitch? Those are the very questions I asked myself at the start of this year. I knew the answer before I ever wrote th

The Old Clunker

A few years back I received a Creative Zen Micro Photo for Christmas. It was wonderful! The fact that I could finally carry around all my music in a super small (or I thought at the time)2.25" x 3.5" music player was sheer freedom from carrying around that old, large, portable cd player and I won't even go into the tons of music cds that also had to go along for the ride. Ok... so I'll mention them briefly, hahahahaha! And I was also surprised by how much lighter this music player was. At 5.5 oz., wearing it fashionably on an armstrap to the gym put me in the leagues with the top fitness buffs. Then something shifted... I was no longer hip, or in, or cool anymore. Suddenly everything shrunk and my music player was now a gigantic dinosaur! What the heck?!? Now everyone was sporting music players that were as big as the face of a watch and were a million times lighter than mine. All of a sudden I was back in the 7th grade trying to convince my mom to buy me the latest

DIY Acrylic Dip Nails

This is my product review for an acrylic dip nail kit that I bought at Sally's Beauty Supply. I wasn't necessarily looking to do my own acrylic nails, but while shopping for a new nail file, I came across this kit and it seemed too good to be true. Here is what the kit looks like: The directions were VERY easy to understand and the process was pretty simple as well, but I found that there were a couple of items that were not included in the kit that (thankfully) I had.... because they were needed! The items that I used that were not included are shown here to the left of the kit. I used the yellow buffer block for two things. First, to remove the shine from my nail before I started and to buff the finished acrylic nail when I was done. The included nail file is just entirely too course to use on my real nail before gluing the french white tip on. I tried it and the included file really tore up my nail. And being that it is the only file that comes with the kit, it's also to