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Halloween Inspiration For Going All Out

A few weeks ago I placed an order for theatrical makeup and just received it a short while ago.  I CANNOT believe how much easier it is to put a look like this together with the right makeup!!!  My last Halloween makeup post was all about keeping Halloween inexpensive, but this post is about what can happen when you invest a little!!!

I literally completed this look (with hair) in under a half hour!!!  Halloween makeup has NEVER taken me less than an hour.  Oh, and that time included the contacts!  Hard to believe I know.... but I've been practicing.  See, my last Halloween makeup post included a link for a sale on Halloween contacts and I just COULDN'T pass up the great deal (click HERE for deets on the "great deal").  So when both pairs of contacts arrived, I quickly stored them in solution and have been popping them in once a day.  My poor husband!  He has NO CLUE what color his wife's eye's will be at any given time when he looks at me.  He assures me that it's a bit more than disconcerting when he goes to talk to me while I'm doing dishes and I turn to look at him with BLAZING RED EYES!!!  HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  Now that I just got the blazing red and the white that are seen here, I can't help but change them up from day to day while I'm.... uh.... "practicing".  I really do HATE touching my eyeballs, but I will admit that it is getting easier the more I do it.  Here's a close up of these white contacts:

Pretty cool effect!!!   If you look closely, at certain angles, my blue eyes peek through around the edges of the contact lenses.  Honestly, I don't mind it at all.... I actually LOVE how they make my eyes look.  I think next year I'll work on getting some Manson lenses where the white is outlined in black.  Wow.... that's gotta be a record for me!  I'm already planning Halloween 2013 and October, 2012 isn't even here!!!  HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA!

Ok gang, that's it for today.  But before I go, I do want to suggest a couple of brands worth checking into if you're looking at "doing it up" this Halloween.  Here's a couple of links for Ben Nye products and Wolfe FX products.  Both are AMAZING product lines to make your Halloween one to be remembered!!!  Also, here are a couple of links for some inspiration and how-to's for Halloween looks:
Top 25 Makeup Tutorials and Monroe Misfit Makeup (She's so AMAZING!!!)!


Scrappychick said…
Great job on the makeup! Come do mine :)
You LOOK AWESOME!!! And I will admit it to you and you only *wink* (peanut butter -- lol!!) ... that I have NO issues with touching my eye... NONE at all!!! So I now know what to torture you with next time I see you!! LOL!!!!! :)
Audrey Frelx said…
How fun!!! You did an awesome job on yourself -- love your look!!!

Past 7 Days....

My Favorite Things Birthday Give-Away!!!

IT IS ON! Ok... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! I get to give stuff away! And not just ANY stuff.... MY FAVORITE STUFF!!!! Well, not ALL my favorite stuff, but certainly my favorites for at least ONE of my obsessions: NAILS!!! Maybe next year for my birthday I will be giving away craft supplies and exercise equipment... that would be AWESOME!!! But, this year's birthday give-away is HUGE with my favorite nail and beauty products and is open to ALL my followers. You guys are the best and deserve the best, so here is what ONE lucky winner is going to score: The Prize Haul: Konad Nail Art Stamping Set - Coraline I (I am addicted to Konad and I LOVE this set) Konad Nail art image disc - M63 (A little something extra from Kathleen... thank you) Fragrance Oil Set, types: China Rain, White Linen, Obsession (I love these for my relaxing baths) Nail Aid Nail Treatment Set including: Pink Natural Growth Therapy, Instant Wrap, Clear Liquid Bandage, Cuticle Cure, Peeling Nail Intense Repai...

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Inking Pink Blog Hop

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