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US Governments... Acquire The Taste

This 4th of July has been seriously tainted for me... like it was exposed to E-coli! I have an unbelievable discouragement for our government, the American people and the state of our union that is just exacerbated by news reports that financially strapped states are proposing to require sales tax on items purchased online. This report aired minutes after a news report of local cities looking to cut MORE emergency services because our "local governments can't afford" to pay salaries. But yet, I drive down my own city's main street to see multi-million dollar government buildings being erected.**
I'M SICK OF IT!!! Why is no one talking about the REAL issue with our economy today???? Our governments are not being held accountable for their spending!!! Money is being wasted at a time when there IS NONE! And instead of our governments perfecting the fine art of budgeting (which REQUIRES that spending habits must change as financial flow changes), they continue their spending while looking for ways for their abusive spending to be funded... in the form of "cuts" (why would anyone cut emergency services right now?) and "taxes". But our government officials are STILL getting their raises, taking their vacations and wasting OUR money.

The rest of us have had to change our spending! Instead of steak, we now eat ground chuck. We cancelled vacations, took on second jobs and looked for ways to make our dollars stretch while government WILL NOT!!! GOVERNMENT: STOP proposing ANYTHING other than learning to make the most of the dollars you are ALREADY receiving! This July 4th, dig deep into the fabric that is supposed to make America great! When 80% or better of every tax dollar is only covering overhead... there is a problem that cannot be fixed with cuts anywhere but where the financial abuse lies. It cannot be fixed by throwing more money at it, because as the rest of us know (everyone but YOU, it seems), the more money you make, the more that gets spent. YOU (government) MUST LEARN WHAT THE REST OF US ARE LEARNING.... MAKE THE MOST OF THE DOLLARS YOU HAVE!!! STOP WASTING MONEY!!! Our economy has changed, the household spending has changed and so must YOUR spending. STOP LOOKING FOR OTHERS TO FUND THE CHANGES YOU REFUSE TO MAKE!!! LEARN TO EAT GROUND CHUCK! LEARN TO SPEND..... CORRECTLY!

** City of Chandler, AZ


Unknown said…
I know what you're talking about ... it's the same here in Slovenia ... they even rised taxes! For example 40% of our gas price goes to our government ,... 40%!!! And at the same time billion euros are going for really stupid things ...Eh.
Blu11 said…
It seems it's the same everywhere... They are getting fatter and we are getting cuts and more taxes! :(

Past 7 Days....

The BEST Copic Storage

**** HUGE HALLOWEEN GIVE AWAY... CLICK HERE !!!!**** Ok, so I've done posts in the past about various Copic storage solutions, but I was given THE MOTHER of all storage ideas by my friends Jennie Black and Krista Koenig!!!   Let me share with you the construction of the storage box and then I'll finish this off with the BRILLIANT solution my husband came up with.... cuz I married a GENIUS!!! What you'll need to create the AWESOME storage box pictured here is: 1 Double Deep Art Bin 1 plastic grid for ceiling lighting (found at your local home improvement store) 1 half inch thick wooden square dowel (also found at your local home improvement store) Dimensional adhesive squares Wire cutters or sheers Screws with corresponding drill bit Drill So I first cut the ceiling grid down to 19 squares by 19 squares using my wire cutters.   You will need two 19 x 19 sections of grid material.   The wire cutters went through the plastic material of the grid like butter and I


Ok ... so the time has come. I've got some BRAND NEW, NEVER BEEN USED, STILL IN THE PLASTIC Cricut Cartridges to give away over the next couple of months and it starts with one of my ALL-TIME FAVORITES...... Hannah Montana! YAY! I LOVE this cartridge! It's got the most beautiful guitar images along with musical notes and FIVE fonts! I used the regular font and the rock star font to create my Father's Day card this year (see above). I also used the Hannah Montana cart (see below) to create a beautiful butterfly (FREE Gypsy cut file HERE ), and am currently working on a project using the gorgeous solitaire diamond. There's a rose and lips and decorative hearts, even a Pegasus ! There's just so much on this cartridge.... I use it a lot! To call this a "font" cartridge is terribly misleading. It's been a long time favorite and now I'm THRILLED to be able to give it away to one of my awesome readers! So here's how to win: Become one of my follower

The Old Clunker

A few years back I received a Creative Zen Micro Photo for Christmas. It was wonderful! The fact that I could finally carry around all my music in a super small (or I thought at the time)2.25" x 3.5" music player was sheer freedom from carrying around that old, large, portable cd player and I won't even go into the tons of music cds that also had to go along for the ride. Ok... so I'll mention them briefly, hahahahaha! And I was also surprised by how much lighter this music player was. At 5.5 oz., wearing it fashionably on an armstrap to the gym put me in the leagues with the top fitness buffs. Then something shifted... I was no longer hip, or in, or cool anymore. Suddenly everything shrunk and my music player was now a gigantic dinosaur! What the heck?!? Now everyone was sporting music players that were as big as the face of a watch and were a million times lighter than mine. All of a sudden I was back in the 7th grade trying to convince my mom to buy me the latest