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Just a quick one today.  A quick rant I should say....

Just because you forgave, that SHOULD NOT give the one that hurt you free reign to hurt you over and over.  THAT is a matter of self respect.  And quite frankly, it is a matter of respect for the offending person and anyone else they may hurt as well.  NO ONE should walk through life thinking it is ok to hurt someone else.  Forgiveness IS NOT acceptance... it is compassion for the human condition and a recognition of God's love for you and for them.  Release offense (absolutely), but take responsibility for your own happiness!  Being a martyr is every bit as bad as being an abuser! "Hurt me once shame on you, hurt me twice shame on me."

It is a totally different scenario when someone hurts you unintentionally... but repeated offense?  There are consequences for our actions and our inaction.  Find the strength to be happy.  You could be saving someone else.


Past 7 Days....

Inking Pink Blog Hop

Hi Hoppers! Danielle, a.k.a. FitterTwit here.... so glad you made it!!! If you're mid-hop, you should be arriving here from Chelsea's blog . Was that a great project or what!?! If you're just joining us and need to start the hop from the beginning, you're gonna want to head over to our lovely Hop Hostess Patricia's blog to start the fun here on our VERY IMPORTANT Inking Pink Blog Hop! Here's to Breast Cancer Awareness!!! My project for this hop is a reminder card..."Remember your checkups!" What a wonderful way to say "I love you" to a dear friend or family member. Now you may not be able to see it in the pic above, but I altered The Greeting Farm's Ebony so that her tee shirt reads, "Say YES to Mammograms!" So, today I wanted to share HOW I added the words to her tee. First I printed the words as small as I could and still be able to read the message using my laser printer onto the paper that I would be using to color in my im

My Favorite Things Birthday Give-Away!!!

IT IS ON! Ok... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! I get to give stuff away! And not just ANY stuff.... MY FAVORITE STUFF!!!! Well, not ALL my favorite stuff, but certainly my favorites for at least ONE of my obsessions: NAILS!!! Maybe next year for my birthday I will be giving away craft supplies and exercise equipment... that would be AWESOME!!! But, this year's birthday give-away is HUGE with my favorite nail and beauty products and is open to ALL my followers. You guys are the best and deserve the best, so here is what ONE lucky winner is going to score: The Prize Haul: Konad Nail Art Stamping Set - Coraline I (I am addicted to Konad and I LOVE this set) Konad Nail art image disc - M63 (A little something extra from Kathleen... thank you) Fragrance Oil Set, types: China Rain, White Linen, Obsession (I love these for my relaxing baths) Nail Aid Nail Treatment Set including: Pink Natural Growth Therapy, Instant Wrap, Clear Liquid Bandage, Cuticle Cure, Peeling Nail Intense Repai

Twilight: Breaking Dawn Blog Hop

YAYAYAYAYYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!  IT'S HERE!!!  Breaking Dawn pt. 2 opens today and we're kicking the fun off with a Twilight Breaking Dawn Blog Hop!!!!  You should be arriving from Kelli's blog.  Isn't her tag AWESOME!?!?!   If you're just now joining the hop, you WILL want to start the hop at the beginning... trust me, you don't want to miss anything from this group of talented ladies.  Here's the whole hop list: Alison Laura Rebecca Kelli ME<== You Are HERE!!! Sugar Stephanie And now for MY project.... BE SURE TO CHECK OUT MY BLOG CANDY AT THE END!!! Here's my Twilighty keepsake box!!!  I had an absolute BLAST making this box and will be using it to hold all my pictures from Forks and La Push as well as pics from the various premiere parties I've attended/hosted over the years. This originally started out as a faux book box.  I painted the spine black using acrylic paint and covered the rest using paper from the DCWV Immortal Love