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Speed Clean Meet Super Sonic Clean

One of my last posts of 2013 was on tips and tricks for speed cleaning your home because I HATE cleaning, BUT THEN.....

the day before New Year's Eve I read a blog post all about cleaning, not speedily, but efficiently!  How you ask?  Well it is so simple, I am kicking myself for not thinking of it sooner.  CLEAN EVERY DAY!!!!  Not all day every day... that would be impossible.  But just clean SOMETHING for 20 minutes every day.  Eventually it all gets clean and then stays clean.  DOESN'T THAT SOUND LIKE NIRVANA?!?

So it couldn't be any more direct, this blog post is called:  How to Clean Your House In 20 Minutes a Day For 30 Days.  The author lives in an apartment and advises to clean the dishes you use after every meal so on top of the 20 minutes cleaning project outlined in the article I personally added 10 minutes to cover the dishes.  I am also splitting my cleaning into TWO half hour sessions every day for 30 days hoping that the remaining months of the year will end up just being 20 minutes every day.... YEP, STILL SOUNDS LIKE NIRVANA!!!!  So the article gives tips and outlines a 30 day chore chart that I think I will stick to once my initial 30 days is up (click on the link above to see the brilliant blog post), but for now here's what I'm doing and remember I only committed to 1 hour a day for 30 days.  Not too bad to have a spic and span house for the remaining 11 months.  So here goes....

  • 1/2 Hour Every Morning:  Make bed, wipe down master bathroom (after I've gotten ready for the day), put dishes from dishwasher away, fold and put away clothes in the laundry room.
  • 1/2 Hour Every Night:  Grab 1 load of laundry and put in washing machine.  Set kitchen timer for 30 minutes.  Pick one room and clean until timer goes off.  If the room is not complete, finish the next evening.  I have 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 living room, 1 family room, 1 dining room, a workout area, a kitchen and the hallways.  That is 12 areas to SCOUR over the course of 30 days.  That isn't bad at all.  And considering that I already missed two 1/2 hour cleaning sessions already this year, it MAY just take me every bit of those 30 days to get it done.  But the gold is at the END of the rainbow when everything is shiny and I can work on keeping that way with a simple 20 minutes a day.  COME TO ME NIRVANA!!! 
  • Once my half hour is up (a regular load of laundry doesn't typically run for longer than 30 minutes), I place the wet laundry in the dryer. 

Honestly, I think I just found the key to me liking cleaning.... 20 minutes a day!!!!


That sounds like an AWESOME plan!!!!!

Past 7 Days....

The BEST Copic Storage

**** HUGE HALLOWEEN GIVE AWAY... CLICK HERE !!!!**** Ok, so I've done posts in the past about various Copic storage solutions, but I was given THE MOTHER of all storage ideas by my friends Jennie Black and Krista Koenig!!!   Let me share with you the construction of the storage box and then I'll finish this off with the BRILLIANT solution my husband came up with.... cuz I married a GENIUS!!! What you'll need to create the AWESOME storage box pictured here is: 1 Double Deep Art Bin 1 plastic grid for ceiling lighting (found at your local home improvement store) 1 half inch thick wooden square dowel (also found at your local home improvement store) Dimensional adhesive squares Wire cutters or sheers Screws with corresponding drill bit Drill So I first cut the ceiling grid down to 19 squares by 19 squares using my wire cutters.   You will need two 19 x 19 sections of grid material.   The wire cutters went through the plastic material of the grid like butter and I


Ok ... so the time has come. I've got some BRAND NEW, NEVER BEEN USED, STILL IN THE PLASTIC Cricut Cartridges to give away over the next couple of months and it starts with one of my ALL-TIME FAVORITES...... Hannah Montana! YAY! I LOVE this cartridge! It's got the most beautiful guitar images along with musical notes and FIVE fonts! I used the regular font and the rock star font to create my Father's Day card this year (see above). I also used the Hannah Montana cart (see below) to create a beautiful butterfly (FREE Gypsy cut file HERE ), and am currently working on a project using the gorgeous solitaire diamond. There's a rose and lips and decorative hearts, even a Pegasus ! There's just so much on this cartridge.... I use it a lot! To call this a "font" cartridge is terribly misleading. It's been a long time favorite and now I'm THRILLED to be able to give it away to one of my awesome readers! So here's how to win: Become one of my follower

The Inventor Of the TV Dinner Should Be Slapped!

Close observation of my eating shows that I can scarf my tuna casserole at an alarming rate. I sit in front of the TV to eat my dinner and 5 minutes later I am pushing the plate away with little to no memory of ever have eaten. That is interesting to me because, you see, I LOVE FOOD! I also LOVE being thin. These facts SHOULD come to life by the knowledge that if I took smaller bites and chewed thoroughly , not only would I get to enjoy my food that much longer, but I would also be burning more calories (yes, the activity of chewing burns calories!!!!)! And on top of THAT amazing knowledge, my body would also be able to process the food I eat much better therefore more of the food I consume would be utilized to help build my lean mean body. So what the heck is up???? Why DON'T I slow down my eating knowing all these amazing benefits? What's causing this little glitch? Those are the very questions I asked myself at the start of this year. I knew the answer before I ever wrote th