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State of Alteration

HOW does someone leave her blog for so long and actually accumulate more followers???  You guys are WONDERFUL!  Thank you for all the kind words and emails I've received over the past few months!!!   I have not fallen off the earth.  I really am thinking of all of you... I promise!!!   Today I want to share probably one of the COOLEST alteration projects I've ever done, but first I want to share where I've been and what I've been up to because it plays a HUGE role in this project I'm sharing coming to fruition!!!  In a nutshell, we are buying a new home.

Welp... after months of working to sell the home we were in, moving into an apartment (that is screaming to get us on an episode of Hoarders), we are finally getting ready to call the newly built house our home.  Yes, I will have TONS of pics to share as soon as we close and get settled... God-willing we'll be leaving this apartment in three weeks!!!  All the female decorator cells I have in my body are buzzing in anticipation of the upcoming new-home decorating.  So, in preparation of that I got THIS:

Sorry about the pic quality on these pics gang... both "before" and "after" pics were taken with the camera on my phone, but here it is.  This painting was ALMOST the perfect art piece for my formal living room:  it was the perfect size in the perfect frame with the perfect content.... EXCEPT..... the peach flowers were NOT going to match my decor!!!  My living room is gold, brown and red and OF COURSE this artwork wasn't available in another color and was literally the last one in the store (possibly the only one).  I didn't want to pass it up being so close to perfect... there MUST be a way to make this flower red!   So I sent a quick email to an altering expert I know (you are a GENIUS Krista!) who responded with, "Distress Inks!"  Well OF COURSE!!!  Could I do it???  I've never attempted to alter something like this before.  What if it doesn't work?

I'm here to tell you it DID work.... LIKE A FREAKIN CHARM!!!!  Can you believe I actually did THIS???  I can't!  And it was so stinkin simple!!!  Honestly!  The hardest part was the first stroke.  My heart was in my throat as I stood over this amazing piece of art that I could potentially ruin when the courage to make my first stroke with the Tim Holtz Distress Stain in Barn Door Red came over me.  This artwork appeared to be an art print that was covered with a layer of clear acrylic that was then tapped with the tip of a bristled brush... well that's what it felt like.  This really could totally work, OR the color could bunch into all that texture not working at all.   I think I closed my eyes as I swiped a huge red streak across the peach flower then looked to see 1) that the image would be clearly visible through the new red color and 2) that I was actually committing to this alteration project.  Yes... yes to both; project-a-go.  Once the entire bloomed rose had an even coat of the barn door red distress stain (which looked quite pink), I then went in with Distress Inks (the regular pad inks) and a brush adding darker hues of red and brown until I had  the depth exactly the way I wanted it... which turns out was UBER easy because the original image already had the shadows in place.  I was just changing the color.  I finally finished off the image by adding  just a smidgen of Tim Holtz Tarnished Brass Distress Stain to highlight the tips of some of the petals (only on the light areas).  Being that the Tarnished Brass is a metallic stain... I wanted to be sure it stayed in areas of the flowers that would be touched by light if the flower were being seen in the real world. Now my final step will be to apply another clear topcoat to seal this awesome alteration once I've moved in to the new house and it is hung.... just in case I want to make any minor changes after seeing it in the light of it's permanent home.  In the meantime, I vowed to "leave it alone" until then.
Really you guys.... WHY was I so afraid????


~Lady B~ said…
Fabulous alteration! I like it so much better in red. You did an amazing job!
Seriously AMAZING and SERIOUSLY upset that I missed it all!! :( However on a positive note ... Brookie and I got to see BD2 together Saturday night... so I guess the night wasn't a total loss!! LOL!!!
Krista said…
I refuse to take credit for anything. You had the idea to begin with and you did the amazing coloring job on this. And I can most definitely say that these pictures DO NOT do justice to either how HUGE this thing is or how gorgeous it was when you were done.

Unknown said… you are amazing! I am glad that I am getting to know you and I can't wait to see your finished beautiful home ;-) Pam
Gorgeous! Are you heading down south or up north?Carri~Abusybee

Past 7 Days....

Inking Pink Blog Hop

Hi Hoppers! Danielle, a.k.a. FitterTwit here.... so glad you made it!!! If you're mid-hop, you should be arriving here from Chelsea's blog . Was that a great project or what!?! If you're just joining us and need to start the hop from the beginning, you're gonna want to head over to our lovely Hop Hostess Patricia's blog to start the fun here on our VERY IMPORTANT Inking Pink Blog Hop! Here's to Breast Cancer Awareness!!! My project for this hop is a reminder card..."Remember your checkups!" What a wonderful way to say "I love you" to a dear friend or family member. Now you may not be able to see it in the pic above, but I altered The Greeting Farm's Ebony so that her tee shirt reads, "Say YES to Mammograms!" So, today I wanted to share HOW I added the words to her tee. First I printed the words as small as I could and still be able to read the message using my laser printer onto the paper that I would be using to color in my im

My Favorite Things Birthday Give-Away!!!

IT IS ON! Ok... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! I get to give stuff away! And not just ANY stuff.... MY FAVORITE STUFF!!!! Well, not ALL my favorite stuff, but certainly my favorites for at least ONE of my obsessions: NAILS!!! Maybe next year for my birthday I will be giving away craft supplies and exercise equipment... that would be AWESOME!!! But, this year's birthday give-away is HUGE with my favorite nail and beauty products and is open to ALL my followers. You guys are the best and deserve the best, so here is what ONE lucky winner is going to score: The Prize Haul: Konad Nail Art Stamping Set - Coraline I (I am addicted to Konad and I LOVE this set) Konad Nail art image disc - M63 (A little something extra from Kathleen... thank you) Fragrance Oil Set, types: China Rain, White Linen, Obsession (I love these for my relaxing baths) Nail Aid Nail Treatment Set including: Pink Natural Growth Therapy, Instant Wrap, Clear Liquid Bandage, Cuticle Cure, Peeling Nail Intense Repai

Twilight: Breaking Dawn Blog Hop

YAYAYAYAYYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!  IT'S HERE!!!  Breaking Dawn pt. 2 opens today and we're kicking the fun off with a Twilight Breaking Dawn Blog Hop!!!!  You should be arriving from Kelli's blog.  Isn't her tag AWESOME!?!?!   If you're just now joining the hop, you WILL want to start the hop at the beginning... trust me, you don't want to miss anything from this group of talented ladies.  Here's the whole hop list: Alison Laura Rebecca Kelli ME<== You Are HERE!!! Sugar Stephanie And now for MY project.... BE SURE TO CHECK OUT MY BLOG CANDY AT THE END!!! Here's my Twilighty keepsake box!!!  I had an absolute BLAST making this box and will be using it to hold all my pictures from Forks and La Push as well as pics from the various premiere parties I've attended/hosted over the years. This originally started out as a faux book box.  I painted the spine black using acrylic paint and covered the rest using paper from the DCWV Immortal Love