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Mildred Turns 100

There are moments in life that God allows you, for no real reason that you are aware of at the time, to be a part of something MONUMENTAL.  A moment that changes you, inspires you, blesses you and truly humbles you to the core maybe just to remind you that He cares.  I had that moment last night and am having a little trouble putting the experience into words today. But, I really do want to share the experience with all of you, so I'll start with the obvious and see where that takes me.  I was invited to attend Mildred's 100th birthday party last night.

I don't know Mildred very well, but I've gotten to work out with her a couple of times at my Curves.  Yes gang, Mildred is 100 and works out at Curves!  To see this woman working out in the circuit at 100 blows my mind and fills me with inspiration beyond measure.  If you ask Mildred what the secret to living so long is, she'll tell you, "You gotta move Honey!"

I don't know what I expected exactly when I first talked to Mildred... I've never talked to someone who was approaching 100.  But when I said to her, "I can't imagine the things you've seen,"  I DID NOT EXPECT her to reply, "You can't imagine the things I've done Honey."  There's something so wonderful about her spirit.  Do I believe that her active life has gotten her to 100?  Absolutely, but I would have to say that I think her spirit is what's going to take her far beyond.  She is by far the most gracious and lovely lady I've ever had the pleasure to know.  She knows me by name after working out with her only a couple of times.  She's always excited to see me and makes me feel like she and I are long time friends.  I am truly blessed to know Mildred and was completely astounded to be invited to attend her birthday party.  It honestly meant so very much to me.

Her dear friend Lois stood and thanked all the pivotal people in Mildred's life, her doctor (of course), her therapist, friends and family.  Included in that list were the folks from my Curves.  Curves got a HUGE mention and "thank you" during Lois' speech, and I have to say that I'm among those who are so grateful for Curves.  It was such a surreal blessing to see how my Curves is REALLY touching and changing lives.  At the helm of such a life-enriching place is Kim... the owner of my Curves (Curves of Ahwatukee) shown here with Mildred at last night's party.

Two of the coolest ladies I know!  There are so many things to get from Curves.  I find that it really feeds my soul.  I get girl time, GREAT friends, cheap therapy, diet and nutrition education and an awesome workout that is quick and pretty much pain free due to the magic of hydraulic machines.  Seriously, because of hydraulics there is no ceiling to your accomplishments as the machines automatically advance as you do.... which is why this gorgeous 100 year old lady is able to stay active there at the same time I'm getting in shape to shop for a wedding dress!!!  And among all those AMAZING things God has blessed me with at my Curves, I can now add that I got to know the most INCREDIBLE 100 year old lady who has changed my life with her positivity, graciousness and longevity.  Thank you God!  I am so very grateful.


How AWESOME!!!! She is BEAUTIFUL!!!!